Filed under The Rules

Less is More, More or Less

Less is More, More or Less

I must confess, it’s been far too long since I’ve written about (or event thought about) my rules. I was reminded of this when I started reading The Artists Way by Julia Cameron… “an international bestseller (that) has inspired millions to overcome the limiting beliefs and fears that can inhibit the creative process”… but this isn’t a book review. This is me re-counting a personal discovery. LESS is MORE, MORE or LESS. Continue reading

Rules to a Happy Heart

Rules to a Happy Heart

I live my life by ten rules and those ten rules have brought me great happiness. In thinking about where to begin this week, I considered picking up where I left off, with Rule #3: Find Your Freak!  But then I thought about all my new readers (thank you Cleveland) and since we’re just getting … Continue reading

The Fun and Fear of Moving

The Fun and Fear of Moving

Me: Moving is Exciting! I was born in Florida and raised in North Carolina. I’ve toured the country (and parts of the world) for work and pleasure. With three months to prepare I’ve packed up, held the mother of all yard sales, and driven over 5,000 miles to Alaska – with a girlfriend, a dog, … Continue reading

Rule #02: Always Have Your Own Room

Rule #02: Always Have Your Own Room

Rule Two was born in the same setting as Rule One. As I mentioned in my last post, I don’t have an exact recollection but I know it was the result of a conversation with my dear friend Cee while hanging out in her attic apartment. I might even have been wearing roller skates at … Continue reading

Happiness is a Sport

Happiness is a Sport

I am struggling with happiness. This is not to say I’m unhappy, but happiness comes in many layers and my own happiness is missing one. This is hard to admit when you’re basically a happy person with no reason to be unhappy. After all, I’m in a loving relationship. I have a job which has … Continue reading

Letting Go

Letting Go

When was the last time you sorted through all your worldly possessions and asked yourself, “Do I really need this, or am I ready to let this go?”  What was the hardest thing to release?  For me, it’s what many people would describe as tiny scraps of paper and random words scribbled on half-empty pages. … Continue reading